IPID arranged a one-day Satellite Communication Course on the 27th of May 2008.
The course included presentations about satellite technology as well as a study visit to the Earth Station facility, Stockholm Teleport, Farsta. Below follows a report written by one of the participants Alamdar Ali Khan.
“IPID, in collaboration with SPIDER (The Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions) arranged one day course at Morgana Hotell & Konferens Farsta, Stockholm. The postgraduate students from different universities of Sweden met practitioners from different satellite communication areas and discussed the potentials and possibilities of satellite communication within the developing and under-developing regions. The course started an introductory presentation of Gudrun Wicander. The key speaker Mr. Olavi, with experience from Telia and Swedish Teleport, thrown light of the potential of satellite communication. Mr. Olavi presented the different types of satellite communication, their bandwidth, satellite footprint, their cost and benefit analysis, comparative analysis with other contemporary technologies. The key speaker also indicated the specific areas and purposes where satellite communication could be beneficial. He said that with the introduction of new satellite technologies the cost of satellite communication has been tremendously decreased. After the presentation and lecture by Mr. Olavi Trydhed and Gudrun Wicander the group of students, teachers, and practitioners went to Earth station, Swedish Teleport in Stockholm. At the Swedish Teleport students were introduced to different working processes, that how Teleport is being used for commercial and business purposes. They saw how commercial TV channels are being operated and how they are getting airtime from the Teleport. The Swedish Teleport covering a lot of TV channels from Europe. At the end of course certificates were distributed among the participants.” (Reported by Alamdar Ali Khan)