Report from the second seminar on “Blended technologies for development”
On Tuesday February 24th 23 IPID members met in Örebro for a seminar on Fibre Optics, Cables and Broadband opportunities for developing countries.
Professor Björn Pehrsson from KTH shared his knowledge and experiences from Africa with IPID members from Örebro University, Stockholm University, KTH, Göteborg University and Jönköping University – all in all representing 12 different countries.
Topics of the day were network technologies; how to build networks, computer system architecture, typologies, how optical fibre is becoming cheap; and also market considerations, ownership, corruption and so forth.
Discussions drew on Björn´s experiences from Africa which were further enriched by all participants experiences. After three hours of vivid discussions and learning we continued the conversation over a long lunch. We were all very satisfied with the day and feel that we now know more about challenges and opportunities for building networks in developing countries.