The 3rd Annual International Postgraduate Symposium was held in Finland at University of Joensuu, 7-9 of September 2008.
The first ICT4D PG symposium was at Royal Holloway, University of London in 2006 and the second at Karlstad University Sweden with IPID-network (2007). The third symposium was organized in Finland at the University of Joensuu with IPID-network September 7-9, 2008 at the Mekrijärvi Research Station close to the Russian border. The symposium, especially, supports Master-level and PhD students, and each presenter get individual feedback on their presentations. The symposium was supported by Finnish Universities’ Partnership for International Development network (UniPID).
Around 60 persons from over 20 countries participated in the Symposium. Keynote speakers were Prof. Tim Unwin, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK and Prof. Seugnet Blignaut; North West University, South Africa